General Eye Care

Southern California Eye Consultants at the Cataract and Glaucoma Institute of Orange County

In order to preserve our vision throughout our lifetime, we must exercise general eye care and educate ourselves on the risks and diseases associated with eyes. Having a in-depth eye exam can go a long ways for the health of your eyes. You can read up on about all the different subjects available on this website.

Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy, is the condition that involves damage to the seventh cranial nerve that controls the movement of facial muscles. Bell’s palsy sometimes follows a cold and the symptoms usually start suddenly and affect one side of the face only.


Blepharitis is usually caused by the malfunction of the tiny oil glands located at the base of the eyelashes. Even with treatment of blepharitis, relapses occur.

Blood Pressure and the Eye

When hypertension begins to affect the eyes, we call it Hypertensive Retinopathy. In this condition, the blood vessels inside of the eye begin to narrow leading to damage and bleeding of the retinal tissue in a manner very similar to Diabetic Retinopathy.

Complete Eye Exam

Depending on your eye health and any current symptoms, illness or risk factors, your ophthalmologist may suggest more frequent complete eye exams.

Diabetes and the Eye

The keys to maintaining eye health in those with diabetes is to eat healthy, exercise, watch blood sugar levels, and maintain a normal blood pressure.

Dry Eye

Dry eye is a condition in which there are not enough tears to lubricate the front surface of the eye, or the cornea. Our natural tears are extremely important for keeping our vision clear, and for maintaining a healthy ocular surface.

Eyelid Disorders

Usually common in those older than 50, gravity, loss of skin elasticity and weakened connective tissues are the usual cause of dermatochalasis, though genetics is also a factor.

Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration or AMD is one of the leading causes of vision loss of in people over the age of 50. This condition is painless, and occurs because small yellow waste deposits, known as drusen, accumulate in the macula.


Pterygium is usually found in those with frequent exposure to sun, wind and sandy conditions; it most often affects farmers, fishermen and those who live close to the equator.

Tear Duct Blockage

Tear duct blockage should be reported to your ophthalmologist if tears overflow on your cheek, because a tumor or other growth might be the cause. Early treatment is usually successful.