Glaucoma often has no obvious symptoms and can be difficult to diagnose. During regular, comprehensive eye examinations with the ophthalmologist, many tests may be conducted to detect and diagnose glaucoma.

Glaucoma Tests:

Diagnosing Glaucoma
Tests for glaucoma require the eye doctor to test vision and dilate the eyes. Multiple tests are required because there are many possible indicators. The tests include:


A visual field test that asks the patient to track a moving light to assist the eye doctor in determining whether there has been any loss of peripheral vision, which may indicate glaucoma.


The ophthalmologist uses eye-numbing drops prior to testing eye pressure. Once the eye is numb, the eye doctor will use a small device to measure eye pressure. Abnormally high pressure may be a sign of glaucoma.


A test to measure the thickness of the cornea. Corneal thickness may affected tonometry results and allows the eye doctor to better interpret the readings and develop treatment options. This test also requires the eye to be numb. People with thinner corneas are at higher risk for glaucoma.


After numbing the eye, the eye doctor will place a small contact-lens with multiple mirrors on the eye to determine if the angle, where the iris meets the cornea, indicates glaucoma. If the angle is open and wide, it may be a sign of open-angle chronic glaucoma. If the angle is closed and blocked it is a sign of angle-closure or acute glaucoma.

Nerve Fiber Layer Testing

Dr. Yomtoob’s state of the art medical equipment is used for early detection of glaucoma.  With this test, Dr. Yomtoob can measure the thickness of the tissue around your optic nerve and compare it to those in your age group.  This allows for earlier detection of glaucoma in many people.


This test requires dilation to allow the ophthalmologist to view the color and shape of the optic nerve.

Glaucoma tests are painless. When conducted on a regular basis, they greatly increase the odds of an early diagnosis, which is key to the treatment of glaucoma.